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Poll Results: Do you think Louis van Gaal will get it right this season at Manchester United?
Man Utd to finish in top 414
Could not give a flying toss11
Man Utd to finish 5th or worse4
Man Utd to finish in top 24

Ricky Hawthorn (STE)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Leon Permentier (DEV)Could not give a flying toss  The only time I watch Manu is if they get beat 
Paul Cockayne (EF)Man Utd to finish 5th or worse   
Rob Lye (ROS)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Dave Smyth (HEA)Man Utd to finish in top 2  he did it before, everywhere, and he'll do it again.  
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)Man Utd to finish in top 4  Too early to tell? He'll be in first 4 or implode and blame everyone else. He's a dick.  
Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT)Could not give a flying toss  Come to think of it why did I bother voting ? Schmuck 
Bryce Kalmbach (QP)Could not give a flying toss   
Tyron Barnard (EST)Could not give a flying toss   
Bill Ramsay (RAN)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Matthew White (SM)Man Utd to finish 5th or worse  20th at a total of 6 points. 
Les Lithgo (HAM)Man Utd to finish in top 4  Relegation I hope for me, lol 
Matt Cooper (ALB)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
James Tucker (RR)Could not give a flying toss   
Steve Gregory (COV)Could not give a flying toss   
Marc Legowski (PT)Could not give a flying toss   
Paul Roseblade (AYR)Man Utd to finish 5th or worse  Will depend on Spurs or another surprise package team doing the business.  
Stephen Williams (PET)Man Utd to finish in top 2   
Derek Purvis (BER)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Andy Shaw (FAL)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)Man Utd to finish in top 2   
William Bushby (EDI)Man Utd to finish in top 2   
John McCarthy (LIV)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
Cameron Archibald (ARB)Could not give a flying toss  Signed some decent players but still can't see them really challenging. Don't particularly care though :) 
James White (MON)Man Utd to finish in top 4  Has money to spend 
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)Could not give a flying toss  Up the Villa!!!!! 
Alan Bishop (COW)Could not give a flying toss   
Fran Morillo (BRE)Man Utd to finish 5th or worse   
Kevin Hull (AI)Man Utd to finish in top 4  Man City then Chelsea first 
Arnold Yzermans (QOS)Man Utd to finish in top 4   
David Campbell (KIL)Man Utd to finish in top 4  if De Gea plays  
David Blair (HIB)Could not give a flying toss   

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