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Poll Results: Who do you think will win the English Premier League in May 2024?
Man City15
don't care10

David Blair (HIB)don't care  Whoever loses it will blame VAR, referees, their mascot etc etc 
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)don't care  Why isn’t the Villa a choice here? 
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)Man City   
Rob Lye (ROS)Liverpool   
Mark Boland (DUU)Man City   
John McCarthy (LIV)Arsenal   
Leon Permentier (DEV)Liverpool  I hope Arsenal tho 
Dave Smyth (HEA)Arsenal   
Stephen Williams (PET)Man City   
Steve Turner (ALO)don't care  Who ever gets the luck of the refereeing decisions - so it won't be Forest. 
Matt Cooper (ALB)don't care  Anyone but Arsenal. Spurs too far back. 
Derek Purvis (BER)Liverpool   
Richard Burnett (NAI)don't care  Ange Ball baby. 
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)Liverpool  If Klopp plays Darwin at the end of every match... 
Kevin Hull (AI)Man City   
Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT)Man City   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)Liverpool   
Paul Roseblade (AYR)don't care  Absolutely do not care. The title in England is not won it is bought.  
Bill Ramsay (RAN)Man City  The machine will push I through.  
Tyron Barnard (EST)Man City   
Les Lithgo (HAM)Man City   
James White (MON)Man City   
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)Man City   
Mark Creasey (STJ)Arsenal   
Alon Atie (FRA)Man City  Really wish it will be Liverpool but City are a machine.... 
Lee Elkins (CB)Arsenal   
Andy Shaw (FAL)Man City   
William Bushby (EDI)don't care   
Cameron Archibald (ARB)Arsenal   
Jason Dowson (ELG)Liverpool   
James Tucker (RR)don't care   
Alan Bishop (COW)don't care   
David Campbell (KIL)Man City   
Raymond Cini (CLY)Liverpool   
Matthew White (SM)Man City   
Colin Scott (DUM)don't care   
Fran Morillo (BRE)Man City  Klopp deserves it though as leaving  

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