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 Free online football manager game. Established 1998
 RULES 2025: click here for Scottish Electronic Soccer League: 2025 wiki rules courtesy of Andrew SRA
 Reminder: trade window closes 28 March 2025
 Next Match Deadline in 8 hours and 58 minutes...
 Pre Match Trade Block In Effect. No trades allowed within 12 hours of next match.
Manage Scottish Email Soccer League: Information
 Scottish Email Soccer League Site Updates
 SESL trialling config update (February 20, 2011)
 SESL is currently trialling an update where the area totals are controlled by DB table. Also some basic additive components for strategy combinations. 

 New Accounts Features (December 18, 2010)
 This change is more for commissioners but the accounts page displays slightly differently and breaks up a teams accounting more accurately. Adam 

 Team DP added to Team Form (December 11, 2010)
 Added a presentation of accumulated Team DPs over the current season. This can be found on the team landing page under team form. This shows a total of all DPs earned in matches by that team, it is not a sum of the current rostered players DPs. 

 Commissioner Pages (December 06, 2010)
 More roles within security functionality have been created to help run the league. 

 Rivals (November 29, 2010)
 Updated so that team sees the count of those who consider them a rival. 

 Apprentice Purchasing Updated (September 27, 2010)
 The method of purchasing an apprentice has been updated. The transactions page now uses a database table rather than hardcoded values in the web page code. 

 Player History (March 27, 2010)
 Players History has now been added to the league.  

 Player Retirements (March 27, 2010)
 I have applied a little modification to the player retirement code. 

 New Team Landing Stats Added (March 08, 2010)
 There is some new team info and a new trophy cabinet on the team Landing page. I have also extended the recent transactions a little. 

 Blog/Journal Updates (January 31, 2010)
 The Journal and Blog now both use the new CKEditor (so you don't have to remember all the HTML codes anymore like you used to for the journal at least). The CKEditor is the next version of the one that had previously been on the Blog. A few more "emoticons" have been added as well. 

 Simulator Updates (December 31, 2008)
 See release notes for simulator updates. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Player Data/Webpage (July 12, 2008)
 Player data had been in the past stored in one large table, then a "batch" process ran once or twice a day to move that data to a "summary" table. Some folks noticed that at times if they went to a plyer page, the player had "no stats" for some seasons. That lengthy summary table build process is no longer needed. Instead a couple of database views have now been put in place to summarize the data for the player webpage (so the batch process goes away for this area). 

 Olmec Simulator Updates (May 25, 2008)
 See release notes for simulator updates on Cap Bonus/Max SL code addition and FLATNZ Points system being added.Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Olmec Simulator Updates (April 27, 2008)
 See release notes for simulator updates on WG OFF and SFLSL Div. 1 revenue bonus.Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Team - History (April 06, 2008)
 On your team pages you will find a new tab called "History". This data shows how your team finished each season in the various competitions. That way during cup draws you can use this for tasty tidbits like "Team A has never finished better than 5th in the ABC Cup".  

 Login - Email Password (March 22, 2008)
 A new function has been added to the login page. You can now put in your coach's name/team and request that your password be emailed to you. This will generally take less than 10 minutes to get to you. Mike Morton deserves full credit for this new feature! 

 Teams - OTF (March 22, 2008)
 OTF has been added to the "header" of the Team page to the right of CP/TP, per a suggestion from Steve Turner 

 Auctions - Front Page Summary (March 09, 2008)
 The front page portlet that shows the auction information has been updated. This will now show the number of teams participating. As a BONUS to those of you who actually read these notes, if you use your mouse to "hover" over "X teams participating", you will find the names of those teams entering bids so far.  

 Downloads (March 09, 2008)
 Two download files have now been added. To get there use the Features menu in the upper right OR the downloads link in the footer of each page (bottom right of page).

These files contain basic player data and more detailed player data. More files can be added to this just need to email the Olmec Head with your tips and file layouts. This data (like Player History data) gets updated once or twice a day. 

 Orders - Review (March 09, 2008)
 The Review Orders page now sorts in a "descending" order to show the most recent lineup you've entered first in the list. This was a suggestion from Doctors Krosnyak, McDermott, and Scott. 

 24-Hour Trading Ban Enforced (October 07, 2007)
 Back when trades were "manually" processed by the commish I think most leagues had a 48-hour minimum timeframe prior to the next "session". Given that we're online and trades can happen instantaneously...a 24 hour "unofficial" threshold had been used in leagues like MSWL and SESL.

However, this rule is now fully enforced by the software:
1) You will see a note near the top of the pages indicating if there is a ban prior to the next match.
2) Also, if a matchday is "in progress" the ban will appear as well until all the games for that match number have been completed. 

 Simulator Updates - GK Aggression/Blowout Changes (October 06, 2007)
 See release notes for simulator updates on GK aggression and blowout rules.Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Simulator Updates - Max SL (September 23, 2007)
 See release notes for simulator updates. This update is currently specific to SFLSL where they use a "Maximum Skill Level" as the top limit of a player's "potential". A player cannot be CP/TP'd above that.Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Simulator Updates (September 09, 2007)
 See release notes for simulator updates. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Simulator Updates (August 25, 2007)
 See release notes for simulator updates. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Website/Simulator Bug Fixes/Enhancements (August 12, 2007)
 The following items from the task list have been added or fixed:


Some had been taken care of with recent simulator updates. Now guys (and Jackie), this isn't some sort of license to start adding a bunch of crazy ideas to the list just because I've resolved some issues. Give me a break! :-)

I know Dave Dowson, you want the Olmec Viewer to get you a Budvar at halftime... :-)


 Olmec Simulator Updates (August 12, 2007)
 Updates have been made based on the "duplicate running games" in SESL on August 11th. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Olmec Match Viewer (August 04, 2007)
 The Olmec Match Viewer has been created to provide a minute by minute account of the match. The viewer will help highlight key elements of the match including goals, shots, many other stats, the current shot chance, tactic, current lineups, etc. In addition the commentary is provided.

This is a "beta" version of the viewer and there will likely be fixes and additional tweaking to come.

Some areas that will (I hope) be added in the future include:
- Adding a stop/start button (one of YOU javascript experts will have to tell me how to integrate that and get it to work)
- Some alignment issues
- Add in PK Shootouts
- Show commentary a line at a time rather than as a group.

Firefox is the recommended browser for viewing the match.  

 Olmec Simulator Update (August 04, 2007)
 The simulator has been updated to store data for the new Olmec Match Viewer. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Olmec Simulator Updates (July 22, 2007)
 Multiple updates have been made to the simulator based on the recent Olmec Survey. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Olmec Simulator Updates (March 10, 2007)
 There are significant red-card associated updates to the code as of the latest release. Click here for more information (Release Notes) 

 Match Report Update (February 25, 2007)
 The 'ol match reports needed some work (and they still do). However, I have corrected the division name per an observation by Stewart Gordon. In addition I no longer show the "table/standings" if its a cup competition. The golden boot competition now reflects the proper competition. It had been showing just league goals and now it will show the individual competitions' goals. Note that this goals component will be for "future matches" after this change and will not be retroactive to already played matches.  

 Tables - Position Sorting (February 25, 2007)
 Per an observation by Steve Turner, tables are now sorted by points, goal differential, THEN goals scored. Previously the goals scored had not been in the equation as it should have been. 

 Orders - Player Selection: Position Totals (February 25, 2007)
 Per a suggestion from Graham McDermott I have extended the DF/MF/FW position totals near the bottom of the page from 2 to 3 characters. This way when Graham lines up his 4 SL 25 FWs he can feel comfortable that he can see the full total of 100+. Likewise my good friend Robin Dewar can sleep better knowing that when he has 5 SL 22 DFs to assist in his annual stall campaign he can clearly see the 100+ total.  

 Players Page: Totals (January 13, 2007)
 The totals under career information were counting player info twice (if they played in the current season). This has now been resolved. 

 Team Page (January 07, 2007)
 Added Points Used column to the landing page and stretched the information based on the widened site layout. 

 Transactions: Trade List (January 07, 2007)
 Fixed a bug related to the mysql conversion.

Also modified the player list to only allow players with a no-trade of 0 to be in the list to begin with. That way players who cannot be traded at the time of submittal will no longer be in the list and mistakenly offered. Hopefully this will clear up some of the confusion that has occurred on this issue a few times. 

 Menu: Next Auction Deadline (January 07, 2007)
 If the next auction deadline is within 48 hours from now the deadline will appear on the front page. 

 Menu: Trade Window (January 06, 2007)
 Added a notifier so that people will know whether or not the trade window is open. 

 Orders - Team Tactics: Fixed Bug (January 06, 2007)
 There was a problem on this page (related to the mysql upgrade) that caused this page not to function. It should be back up and running now. 

 Trade Page: Fixed Bug (January 06, 2007)
 There was a problem on this page (related to the mysql upgrade) that caused this page not to function. It should be back up and running now. 

 Overall Site Change (January 06, 2007)
 The structure of the site has changed to widen the pages from 820 pixels to 970 pixels. This should improve the look of some pages (such as the front page) where more info can be provided on the screen at once. Note that there are still a few pages for me to look at (the team landing page for instance) to put this in effect for all pages. 

 Menu: Trade Notifier (January 06, 2007)
  Added a notifier if your team has proposed a trade offer OR if another manager has proposed an offer to you. The link that pops up will take you directly to the trading page. 

 Menu: Next Match Deadline (January 06, 2007)
 If the next match deadline is within 48 hours from now the deadline will appear on the front page. 

 Simulator/Team Pages (December 10, 2006)
 The software has been updated to track each team's last 10 matches along with their "MVP form".

If a team earns 7-9 points over a consecutive 3 game stretch they are awarded an MVP. Once they get the MVP their MVP form is reset to --- and thus it will take a minimum of 3 more games before they can get their next MVP.

The most recent match is listed as the first letter in the string. The letter represents:
W = Home Win
D = Home Draw
L = Home Loss
w = Road Win
d = Road Draw
l = Road Loss
Thus is a team's most recent result was a road loss, the first letter would be:

Note that for neutral field matches, the letter *MAY* be either uppercase OR lowercase. 

 Match Preview (October 22, 2006)
 Updated Match Preview pages to the new format and resolved the various links so these should in theory all work now. :-) 

 Auction Results (October 22, 2006)
 Added the type of player/resource won in the auction for quick reference. 

 Front Page: Auction (October 22, 2006)
 Added a quick link to the auction results. 

 Stats (September 24, 2006)
 The stats pages have been updated to show players who are leading various categories by competition. In addition a new category for injuries has been added. 

 Transfer List (September 03, 2006)
 This has been updated with links to team pages and to player pages. 

 Team Page Updates (September 03, 2006)
 The Account tab in the team pages has now been transferred over from the old site. There's a "SUMMARY" section to show how much you've spent or earned in various categories. In addition I added a section to show transactions from the past two weeks. The "Team Needs" section is now live and can be updated from your "Update Team Info" tab.  

 Website: New Design (August 31, 2006)
 On 8/31 the website overhaul was pushed to production status. There are many areas that still need to be moved over from the old site, however there's also a number of new features here...enjoy! 

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