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Poll Results: Season 28 Div3 Manager of Season?
all managers can vote til June 17.
STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start) 17
FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start) 10
HIB: Marc: (top17 7th at start) 2
ELG: Jason: (top17 3rd at start) 1

Lee Elkins (CB)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)    
Tapani Olkku (GM)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   All of the listed managers deserve a good old pat on the back. I'm going for Ricky because of the 104 goals and 2 of his rivals are Div1 teams! That's ambition! 
Daniel Roseblade (DFA)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)    
James White (MON)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)    
Derek Purvis (BER)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)    
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)   Wheelin and dealin and some youth.  
Matt Cooper (ALB)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Has to be he won it 
Colin Scott (DUM)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Ricky has put a lot of effort in this season. Front page review and plenty of journal posts. Oh, and his team alright too. 
Roy Rolsten (STI)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   They all deserve it, but 100+ 
David Blair (HIB)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Set the pace from match day 1 and was the team to beat. Well done! 
Tyron Barnard (EST)HIB: Marc: (top17 7th at start)   STE, FAL and others done great, but appears progress at HIB. 
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Its took 27 seasons to get some silverware so it has to be Rickeeeeee! 
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)HIB: Marc: (top17 7th at start)   A bad last session masks a good season and a very strong 2nd half of season. and not the strongest squad, Gets my vote 
Raymond Cini (PT)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)   STE was a candidate with the title, but FAL has the best improvement this season. 
Bill Nicholl (CEL)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Top goal scoring team throughout SESL in Season 28. Surely a deserved reward for attacking football  
Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)   Close decision Between Jason & Clyde but to start season with 16th Rated T11 & get promoted is awesome ! 
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)    
Paul Roseblade (AYR)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Scored 104 goals. That must be worthy of Manager of the Season 
Bill Ramsay (RAN)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)    
William Bushby (EDI)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)    
Steve Turner (ALO)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)    
Marc Legowski (CLY)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)    
Matthew White (SM)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   A trophy at last for Ricky - new strategy working a treat! 
Les Lithgo (HAM)ELG: Jason: (top17 3rd at start)    
Rob Lye (ROS)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)    
Dave Smyth (HEA)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)   to have the worst top 17 and build a team and get promoted impressive  
Paul Cockayne (EF)FAL: Clyde: (top17 16th at start)   To do so well with a T17 that was the worst is good enough for me. Mind you he did buy big in auctions. 
Kevin Hull (AI)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   FAL spent a bomb at auction, HIB overachieved, but STE scored a barrowload. 
Alan Bishop (COW)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   Finally something for Ricky to put in STE Trophy Cabinet  
Andy Shaw (FAL)STE: Ricky: (top17 2nd at start)   HIB & ELG did smashing, but STE scored for fun with PU10 max bonanza. 

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