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Poll Results: Your pick for English Premier League champions 2013/14 ?
other (please specify)8
Man Utd7
Man City1

Josh Fitzgerald (INV)Chelsea  None have started too well but Jose will make the difference. 
Colin Scott (DUM)other (please specify)  Will this poll run until we know the result? 
Mark Boland (DUU)Chelsea   
David Campbell (KIL)Man Utd   
Matt Cooper (ALB)Chelsea   
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)Chelsea   
Bill Ramsay (RAN)Chelsea   
Mark Creasey (STJ)Man Utd  Always Man Utd! 
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)Chelsea  Don't like it...but think they will win. 
Dave Smyth (HEA)Chelsea  I hate it, but Jose will get lucky this time 
Kevin Hull (AI)Chelsea  They will do enough to win it. Or maybe destroy it and get 100 points. 
Les Lithgo (HAM)Chelsea  Or could Liverpool keep up this terrific start!! 
James White (MON)Chelsea   
Daniel Roseblade (DFA)Man Utd  With our new coach and the players we added. its going to be a tough ask but here is hoping 
Derek Purvis (BER)Chelsea   
Rob Lye (ROS)Chelsea   
Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT)Chelsea  Jose to bring back the Trophy to THE BRIDGE! 
Stephen Williams (PET)Man Utd   
Arnold Yzermans (QOS)other (please specify)  Wigan Athletic 
Cameron Archibald (ARB)Chelsea   
Steve Gregory (COV)Chelsea   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)other (please specify)  Sheff Utd...oh no wait....err honestly no idea this season!! 
Matthew White (SM)other (please specify)  Arsenal... stability over new managers? Anyway it was a cracking value bet, thats where my moneys gone! 
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)other (please specify)  The Villa and Benteke! Who else? 
Paul Roseblade (AYR)Man Utd   
Richard Burnett (NAI)Chelsea   
William Bushby (EDI)Chelsea   
Tyron Barnard (EST)other (please specify)  OOOOOOOOOOOOOzIL!!!! 
Roy Rolsten (STI)Chelsea  After the transfer window closed 
James Tucker (RR)other (please specify)  Spurs 
Andy Shaw (FAL)Man City   
Marc Legowski (CLY)Man Utd   
Raymond Cini (PT)Man Utd   
Steve Turner (ALO)other (please specify)  Arsenal 
Paul Cockayne (EF)Chelsea  Man U favs, but if Jose can get them scoring more then Chelsea. 

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