Match 32 Due Wed, Feb 26: 1500 GMT    
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Poll Results: Do you think the 5 SESL Cup single group stage games could be played quicker (e.g. Tues > Thurs > Sat > Mon > Wed) ?
No, leave things as they are16
We voted on this just 6 months ago!6
Yes, speed up the sesl cup matches3
other (please specify) 2

Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)No, leave things as they are   
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)No, leave things as they are   
Tyron Barnard (EST)We voted on this just 6 months ago!  I remember saying id prefer it to go quicker but I think thats more down to the CECIL run in that few are involved in 
Dave Smyth (HEA)We voted on this just 6 months ago!  :P  
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)Yes, speed up the sesl cup matches   
Leon Permentier (DEV)No, leave things as they are  No need to rush 
Mark Boland (DUU)No, leave things as they are   
Matthew White (SM)Yes, speed up the sesl cup matches  Worth a try  
David Blair (HIB)We voted on this just 6 months ago!   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)No, leave things as they are   
Lee Elkins (CB)No, leave things as they are  It works well with the days we play - some managers would forget the "extra" days. 
Cameron Archibald (ARB)No, leave things as they are  It's fine. We get through the group games quicker and the gap between seasons will be longer surely?  
Steve Gregory (COV)No, leave things as they are   
Matt Cooper (ALB)We voted on this just 6 months ago!   
Andy Shaw (FAL)We voted on this just 6 months ago!   
Arnold Yzermans (QOS)No, leave things as they are   
James White (MON)No, leave things as they are   
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)No, leave things as they are  not broken 
Colin Scott (DUM)We voted on this just 6 months ago!   
Bill Ramsay (RAN)No, leave things as they are   
David Campbell (KIL)No, leave things as they are   
Derek Purvis (BER)No, leave things as they are   
Raymond Cini (PT)other (please specify)   Quite happy to go every second day if enough support for it 
Paul Roseblade (AYR)No, leave things as they are   
James Tucker (RR)No, leave things as they are  I like this mid season rhythm change. (and we voted on this recently!!) 
Alan Bishop (COW)Yes, speed up the sesl cup matches   
Mark Creasey (STJ)other (please specify)   i sitting on fence! 

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