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Poll Results: Is Sesl economy of CP & TP well balanced in your opinion?
other (please note your opinion)12
CP seems in higher demand now5
Not enough spare CP for OTF5
TP is an undervalued resource3
Offer more CP at auction1

Kevin Hull (AI)other (please note your opinion)  Balanced! Every season is different and every season we see managers suddenly needing more CP then they thought they would. Part of the fun and game.  
Matt Cooper (ALB)CP seems in higher demand now   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)other (please note your opinion)  Amount of both is fine... other factors influence success more than these 
Mark Boland (DUU)other (please note your opinion)  Poll could have done with a just right option 
Alon Atie (FRA)TP is an undervalued resource   
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)TP is an undervalued resource   
Colin Scott (DUM)CP seems in higher demand now   
William Bushby (EDI)other (please note your opinion)  I don't want any more level inflation than there already is, but more TP in the economy by one method or another is probably merited. 
Les Lithgo (HAM)CP seems in higher demand now   
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)CP seems in higher demand now   
James Tucker (RR)other (please note your opinion)  Balanced - The resource availability vs need is the challenge of the game.  
Stephen Williams (PET)other (please note your opinion)  Overall it's fine, but this particular season tp is in high demand (I presume lots of teams are rebuilding using apprentices etc). Next season I imagine TP will be more freely available.  
Simon Bijker (BRE)other (please note your opinion)  Think the balance is OK  
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)other (please note your opinion)  Any time resources are valued over 100k I think there is an issue.  
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)Not enough spare CP for OTF   
Leon Permentier (DEV)other (please note your opinion)  I think it's nicely balanced. Definitely don't need more of either 
Lee Elkins (CB)other (please note your opinion)   
Paul Roseblade (AYR)CP seems in higher demand now  All teams have more Age 2+ players so the CP's are at a premium as the season goes on. TP's undervalued as some teams don't bring through Youth players. Not enough incentive to do so 
Steve Gregory (COV)other (please note your opinion)  I think both have gone up in value within the last few weeks....or rather the asking prices have gone up! 
James White (MON)Not enough spare CP for OTF   
Dave Smyth (HEA)Not enough spare CP for OTF  Overall well balanced though  
Arnold Yzermans (QOS)Not enough spare CP for OTF   
David Campbell (KIL)Offer more CP at auction   
Bryce Kalmbach (QP)Not enough spare CP for OTF   
Derek Purvis (BER)TP is an undervalued resource   
Mark Creasey (STJ)other (please note your opinion)  just checking results! 

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